Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sumerian flood myth vs. the Indian flood myth

          There are many reasons why this is story is similar to the epic of Gilgamesh. One reason why these stories are similar is because they both include major floods that effects the rest of society by killing almost everyone.  Another reason why these stories are similar is because they both involve a character that was or will be able to escape the flood. But on the other hand, theses stories do have differences. One reason why these stories are different is because in the story with Manu, there involves a ship while in the epic of Gilgamesh there doesn't. Also another reason why these are different is because in the story with Manu there involves a fish that will help Manu escape from dying In the flood while in the epic of Gilgamesh, utnapishtm was just a character that is the only human ever to escape the flood so he will never die. These are the reasons why these stories are similar and different.


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