Thursday, November 17, 2016

Why do some mothers commit the unthinkable act of maternal filicide?

There are many reasons why some mothers commit the unthinkable act of maternal filicide. One reason why is because “If there is indeed no suicidal behavior on her part, then typically it’s homicidal behavior associated with a psychotic break or postpartum depression,” Berman said.
Studies and experts agree on one common factor when mothers commit such an unthinkable crime: extreme mental illness. This is important because it shows a reason why parents commit the unthinkable act of maternal filicide. Another reason why mothers do this is because there are other types of filicides. 
“A l t r u i s t i c   f i l i c i d e ,”   t h e   m o s t   c o m m o n   m o t i v e ,   w h e r e   a   m o t h e r   r a t i o n a l i z e s   t h a t   k i l l i n g   h e r child is in the child’s best interest.
●“Ac u t e l y   p s y c h o t i c   f i l i c i d e ,”   w h e r e   a   m o t h e r   k i l l s   w i t h o u t   a n   u n d e r s t a n d a b l e   m o t i v e , possibly hearing voices.
●“Fatal maltreatment filicide,” where a mother does not necessarily mean to kill her child, but death occurs after cumulative abuse.
●“Unwanted child filicide,” where a mother believes her child is a hindrance in her life.
●“Spouse revenge filicide,” the rarest for mothers, where she kills her child to emotionally strike out against the father.

These filicides show that there are many reasons why some mothers may commit the unthinkable act of maternal filicide.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

how can Taoist texts can help deepen our understanding of early Chinese history?

Taoist texts can help deepen our understanding of early Chinese history in many ways. One reason why his texts can help influence our understanding of early Chinese history because it teaches us the understanding of Taoism and if there is any physical traces of the founding period of religious Taoism. This is important because it shows us that there was nothing and all that there was were remains of the fifth century. I think that this gives us an understanding that there are many things that are hard to find and keep from many tears ago. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Do you believe our world is simulated?

In my opinion I believe that our world is not simulated for several reasons. One reason why I believe that our world isn't simulated is because in the article, it states that She rated the chances that this idea turns out to be true is ''effectively zero".  I completely agree to this because the chances that somebody is controlling us is completely obsurd. Going along with that, for somebody to think that we are all being controlled by one person in a hard drive is insane in my opinion. Also, another reason why I think that our world isn't simulated is because someone from Harvard University stated, "It’s just not based on well-defined probabilities." I agree with this because there is not data that they have collected that proves to us that we are controlled by other people. That is why I don't think that our would is simulated. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

How is the story of Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum (Menachem’s parents) similar to that of Job? How is it different?

The story of Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum is similar and different to the book of Job. One reason why the book of Job is similar to the story of Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum is because in both stories/novels, the dad is the one that is most sacred to God. This can be proven in the book of Job, when Job was very sacred to God and continued to stay sacred to him even when he is greatly suffering. Also in the story of Moahe Yosef Daum the dad was praying to God when he said "We must live with faith despite our unanswered questions. The tenacity of my father’s faith has always been a mystery to me. It’s a lot easier for me to understand the religious defiance of my father’s only surviving relative, his cousin Dora." This means that he is so sacred to God. These stories are also different because In the book of Job the mom played a very small role in that she barely talked. In the story of Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum, the mom talked much more in that she was much more involved in the story. That is why these stories are similar and different. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Similarity and difference to The Book of Job to the Old Testament

There are many similarities and differences between the Old Testament and the story if Job. One similarity between the story of Job and the Old Testament is that God always tends to make somebody suffer in certain ways. In the story of Job, they made Job suffer by taking away everything he cared about to still see if he was always going to be loyal to God. Another similarity is that The Old Testament and the story of Job are that in all of the stories, they all revolve around God and how you have to stay loyal to him. There are also many differences between the Old Testament and the story of Job. One difference is that in the story of Job, God originally said that Job was very loyal to him and God knew that but in an example, like the story of Abraham and Isaac, Abraham had to gain Gods respect because God didn't really realize that Abraham was that loyal to him. Another reason why they are different is because in the story of Job, Job had a huge, very nice family and lived a very good life in the beginning, but in most of the stories in the Old Testament most stories started off by saying that the main character lived a harsh life because they originally were suffering right from the beginning. That is why the story of Job and the Old Testament were similar and different.

Friday, September 30, 2016

The best and worst things about the first month of High School

It has been 1 month since the start of school of it has been a blast. The best thing that has happened in school so far is that I got amazing teachers. The reason why I'm very happy with that is because I now am very excited for the upcoming periods in school and enjoy the period while I'm in the class. Also I'm very happy that there is a change in that we are allowed to go out of school during lunch and in Middle School we weren't allowed to go out. This gives me and other people also more freedom. This is very good because we are able to go eat out and still have time to go to the next period. The worst thing that has happened in school is that the tests have become a lot harder and makes me put a lot more time into all of the work that I do. This is bad in that I have to push myself a lot harder and have to struggle a lot more than I have ever been before. This is the best thing and the worst thing that has happened to me in the first month of our experience in the High School.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gods feelings toward Noah

Gods has many feelings toward Noah during Noah's Ark that changed the way that I felt about God. Several times during Noah's Ark, God got very angry at Noah and eventually made there be a Flood that would attempt to kil allow the animals and Noah's family. This changed my view of God in many ways. Now thinking about Noah's Ark, I feel that God is a very powerful person that is able to do what he wants and when he wants. Also, I feel that God can be very mean and very aggressive at times too. Lastly, I feel that God can make mistakes, as read about what he did in Noah's Ark in my opinion, but in the end, I feel that God is a very powerful person that I greatly respect.